I really enjoyed giving this one-day hands-on Pitching Skills workshop in Cardiff on 6th February for CULT Cymru. It was inspiring to encounter the passion people brought to their projects and to be in the same room as so much imagination and dedication. And I felt that each of us was so pleased to see our colleagues’ work develop in its clarity and focus.
In the workshop there are sessions on Pitch Theory, Content, Design and Delivery with an hour of preparation time before lunch. Each participant has the chance to deliver a 3-minute verbal pitch twice. Feedback is given on each delivery and one-to-one attention is offered to help focus the pitch content and design.
My workshops have been delivered to Make-up Artists, Graphic Designers, Screenwriters, Producers, Costume Designers, Musicians, Editors, Novelists, Actors and Performers …

If you’d like to work through pitching principles, hone your project ideas and practice delivering a face-to-face pitch, this could be for you.
Participants’ feedback on this session was very positive and included these remarks:
Good balance between theory and practice. Theory was excellent. Angela the presenter was superb and added so much.
Meeting the other members of the workshop and having ideas discussed in a ”safe space” environment .
The advice given on clarity of language and on confidence of presentation.
Very informative throughout.
All of it was useful. It clarified thoughts on what’s needed.
CULT Cymru (Creative Unions Learning Together) provides a wide-ranging and regularly refreshed roster of training for workers in the Creative Industries. It’s a joint venture between several Trade Unions in Wales, led by BECTU/Prospect in partnership with The Writers’ Guild, The Musicians’ Union, and Equity. It’s supported by the Welsh Government.