16-24 Dec. Poem a day from ‘STAR’ on Evening Extra BBC Radio Ulster

Every day from Monday 16th December till Tuesday 24th December, Christmas Eve, I’ll read a poem on BBC Radio Ulster’s drivetime programme, ‘Evening Extra’.

A bold idea, mixing headlines, weather reports and poetry!

The poems are from my collection, ‘STAR: poems for the Christmas Season’ (Culture and Democracy Press). STAR is available from No Alibis, Belfast; The Secret Bookshelf, Carrickfergus; Little Acorns, Derry or any bookstore. Online up to last posting dates from The Books Council of Wales gwales.com https://tinyurl.com/37f4rruj. ARTWORK copyright Martin Erspamer.

Monday 16th:

Tuesday 17th:

Wednesday 18th:

Thursday 19th

Friday 20th

STAR copyright Martin Erspamer

Monday 23rd

Tuesday 24th

linocut copyright Martin Erspamer OSB