Just as NASS lines up a Cardiff event on 28th October for newly diagnosed AS sufferers, Paul Evans celebrates never missing a session at Cardiff NASS group’s weekly exercise meeting for TWENTY years!
Proudly wearing his National Ankylosing Spondylitis Society orange t-shirt he took a well-deserved slice of cake from Cardiff branch chairman, Malcom Arnold on 14th October. He is also a regular at the NASS session in Abergavenny. Paul is a great example of the benefits of exercise. He was diagnosed in his thirties. As soon as he retired, aged 56, he committed to coming to the (then fairly new) sessions in Cardiff and, apart from holidays and sickness, has never missed attending. A great advert for the Wednesday evening gym/pool session at University Hospital Wales.

NASS has organised an evening event for newly diagnosed patients 6.30 Cardiff City Stadium. Details via this link: Cardiff Poster
Contact: Jill Hamilton, Development Manager
E: [email protected] T: 020 8741 1515 M: 07875 107 747