The Lonely Crowd was one of the first journals to take a story from me so it’s always a particular pleasure to be published here. A print copy arrived immediately before Christmas containing the bold mixture of styles that we’ve come to expect.
My story is one of imprisonment, escape and daring – in unlikely circumstances: THE BANGLE
Three Poems Medbh McGuckian / Mature People Mary Morrissy / Three Poems Taz Rahman / Everything Falling Emily Devane / Letter To My First Milk Tooth Breda Spaight / Success is counted sweetest… Fiona O’Connor / Naming Jimmy Wilde Tony Curtis / Capital Vices Conor Montague / Two Poems Hilary Watson / Intermission Catherine Wilkinson / Three Poems Linda McKenna / A Suitable Feast Cath Barton / Three Poems Jackie Gorman / A Letter to Dylan Thomas Orfhlaith Foyle / Three Poems Pauline Flynn / Joy Karys Frank / Three Poems Jane Lovell / Wild Horses Lucie McKnight Hardy / Two Poems Jo Mazelis / The Bangle Angela Graham / Two Poems Fiona Cameron / Take Away Alan McCormick / Two Poems Mary O’Donnell / Review: Open Up by Thomas Morris / Two Poems for Christopher Cornwell John Goodby, John Lavin / Edited by John Lavin