On May 26th Letters With Wings ran an online poetry reading to raise funds to send letters to unjustly imprisoned artists and writers.
Raising funds to ensure the letters are sent: Click to contribute
Poets taking part: Celia de Fréine, Catherine Dunne, Lia Mills, Bernadette Gallagher, Moyra Donaldson, Deirdre Cartmill , Denis Stokes, Therese Kieran, Rafael Mendes, Polina Cosgrave, Chandrika Narayanan-Mohan, Alessandra Trevisan, Natasha Remoundou, Aisling Walsh, Gráinne Tobin, Simone Theiss , Cornelia Rohr and myself.
I contributed a poem to the Open Mic session which I wrote for Nedim Türfent. He has been in prison in Turkey for more than 1500 days.
In the event a poem by Nedim, ‘Child, Don’t You Know?’ was read in Kurdish.
Letters with Wings later said,
“We are very pleased to let you all know that Cornelia Rohr, one of our readers on the 26th, was in contact with Nedim Türfent’s sister and sent the video of our live event. She phoned later with Nedim and told him about it. He was very happy and sends us many kind regards.”
Extract from the translation into French:
Toi, enfant rebelleenfant indomptable, irréductible !toi, enfantsi ton dessein est d’avorter mon rêveen aucun casje ne ferais retour de mes songes, jamais