The series DNA Cymru for S4C,which I produced for Green Bay Media along with Wynford Jones, has earned a Nomination in the Best Factual Series category of the Celtic Media Festival 20 -22 April.
This year the venue is Dungarvan, County Waterford, Ireland and there is a fantastic line-up of nominations that I’m already familiar with: blockbusters such as ‘Poldark’, (yes, from Cornwall), and ‘Hinterland’; hard-hitting campaigning single docs such as Michael Sheen’s outstanding ‘Valleys Rebellion’; the inimitable Beti George in the Radio Presenter category (Beti was also one of our three presenters on ‘DNA Cymru’).

But there are many intriguing programmes and films new to me. I intend to see or listen to as many as possible. High on my list is ‘Yr Ymadawiad’, the new ‘supernatural thriller’; BBC Radio Wales’s ‘Jewelsh’ and ‘Siadwel Returns’ plus Chris Morris’s ‘Fog of Sex’ – and those are just from the Welsh list.
I’m aiming at least for single drama ‘The Truth Commissioner’, BBC Northern Ireland; RTE’s ‘Collusion’ and ‘An Dinaav a rog’hanon’ from Brittany. The Radio shortlist is fascinating. How have I missed all this brilliant stuff?
I’ve been a member of the Festival’s International Jury a couple of times and I have never forgotten the work I encountered during those judging sessions. This year’s judges have a feast to enjoy.