Category Archives: Blog

On ‘Your Place And Mine’, BBC Radio Ulster

It was lovely to have this [click here to listen Interview with Anne Marie McAleese ] on Your Place And Mine BBC Radio Ulster 7th November. This long-running and much-lauded series focuses on place. We talked about the role of place in my short story collection A City Burning.

I read an extract from the story Coasteering in which a middle-aged woman and her Ulster Scots-speaking coasteering instructor venture far out along the coast at twilight:

‘Dinnae ower-think it!’ Alec urged, and then repeated himself….

I loosened the cuffs of the waterproof jacket that added a layer to the battered old wetsuit he’d provided. Seawater gushed out past my wrists. I poised myself, leapt − an un-timeable gap − and was smothered in crashing bubbles and noise and resistance, then broke upwards into air and the push and pull of the sea. This was what I’d wanted, to be out beyond the little beaches and rock-strewn shores; to be out of my depth but safe; to be gripped by the sea’s power but not at its mercy. I respect the sea. I fear it…. Continue reading On ‘Your Place And Mine’, BBC Radio Ulster

Interview with Seren Books on ‘A City Burning’

As her debut short story collection A City Burning, is published, we interview Angela Graham to find out more about the book and what inspires her.

In the twenty-six stories in A City Burning, set in Wales, Northern Ireland and Italy, children and adults face, in the flames of personal tragedy, moments of potential transformation. On the threshold of their futures each must make a choice: how to live in this new ‘now’. With a virtuoso control of tone, by turns elegiac, comic, lyrical, philosophical, A City Burning examines power of all types. The result is a deeply human book full of hauntingly memorable characters and narratives.

What is the meaning behind the title A City Burning?

In the opening story, ‘The Road’a young girl witnesses her city blazing. She understands that this is a sign of the collapse of the status quo, of all the usual certainties. She is confronted with the need to react to this new situation. What values should guide her in this choice? I realised that this story encapsulates the theme of many stories in the collection – witnessing major change and having to work out a response. It seemed a fitting title for the book.

Belfast on a November evening

Continue reading Interview with Seren Books on ‘A City Burning’

A City Burning: Angela Graham talks about that title

video shot and edited by John Geraint

A City Burning from Seren Books

26 short stories set in Wales, Northern Ireland and Italy, from the end of the econd World War to the Covid pandemic.

With a virtuoso control of tone, by turns elegiac, comic, lyrical, philosophical, A City Burning examines power of all types, exploring conflicts between political allegiances; between autonomy and intimacy; emotional display and concealment; resistance versus acceptance. The result is a deeply human book full of hauntingly memorable characters and narratives.

These stories are not comfortable… but they are honest, searing, insightful and very, very good.” – Inez Lynn Continue reading A City Burning: Angela Graham talks about that title

Welsh, Italian, Ulster Scots – 3 wonderful readers at ‘A City Burning’ Launch

I’m so delighted to have 3 wonderful readers to deliver extracts from my short story collection A City Burning at its launch on 27th October at 7pm: 26 stories set in Wales, Italy and Northern Ireland:

Geraint Lewis from Tregaron, west Wales, actor, playwright, novelist and short story writer.

Viviana Fiorentino from Italy, poet, novelist, translator and activist on migration policy.

Liam Logan from Dunloy, County Antrim, media presenter, film maker and writer on Ulster Scots in prose and poetry. Continue reading Welsh, Italian, Ulster Scots – 3 wonderful readers at ‘A City Burning’ Launch

Galles, Italia, Irlanda del Nord – A City Burning

“onesto, bruciante, perspicace e molto, molto buono”.

– La rivista New City su ‘A City Burning” pubblicato da Seren Books

 Ambientate in Irlanda del Nord, Galles e Italia, le storie di A City Burning si muovono dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale all’era del Covid-19.

Una città brucia in una crisi – perché lo status quo è ormai al collasso e il cambiamento deve ancora arrivare. Ogni valore, relazione e credo è scosso e il futuro è messo in gioco.

Nelle ventisei storie di Una Città Brucia, bambini e adulti affrontano, tra le scottanti tragedie personali, momenti di potenziale trasformazione, seppur costosa. Sulla soglia del proprio futuro ognuno deve fare una scelta: come vivere in questo nuovo “adesso”.

Nell’attesa del r Continue reading Galles, Italia, Irlanda del Nord – A City Burning

First Review of ‘A City Burning’

The first review of my debut short story collection (from Seren Books) – by Inez Lynn, former Chief Librarian of the London Library. From New City magazine – highlights:

Good writing is compelling. Each of these twenty-six stories takes you out of your own skin and into the lived experience of another.  They deal with the complexity of human life, faith, emotions and relationships seen through the eyes of narrators with distinct, memorable voices:

Continue reading First Review of ‘A City Burning’

Wales in Places of Poetry Anthology

Launching today.

Places of Poetry book launch

1. Jo Bell · Got
2. Alun Lewis · The Mountain over Aberdare (1942)
3. Philippa Davies · Aberfan: 9.10 a.m. 21/10/1966
4. Hilary Taylor · Coal Valley
5. Paul McGrane · Industrial Heritage
6. Maureen Fenton · Views from Newport Wetlands
7. Laura Wainwright · Is Coed
8. Peter Gaskell · Thoughts on a King’s Idyll in City of the Legion (Caerleon)
9. Jeremy Dixon · Gentlemen
10. Fawzia Muradali Kane · Ogmore
11. Jim Young · Worm’s Head (Pen Pyrod)
12. James Roberts · At Carreg Frân
13. Erika Guttmann-Bond · Brenin y Brenhinoedd
14. Henry Vaughan · The Water-fall (1655)
15. Kathy Miles · Lithic
16. Alwyn Marriage · Across the Mountain
17. Freddie Jones · Winter in Snowdonia
18. Gillian Clarke · Caernarfon
19. Ness Owen · Mamiaith (Mother Tongue)
20. Eabhan Ní Shuileabháin · Growing Up
21. Joanna Ingham · Choughs
22. Anne Phillips · Fog in Llanbadrig
23. Gerard Manley Hopkins · In the Valley of the Elwy (1874–77)
24. Steven Thomas-Spires · Border Language (Iaith Ffin)

A City Burning: Cover Reveal & Pre-Order

The cover of my new short story collection has arrived.  Pre-order from Seren Books

Publication is 21st October. Details soon of Online Launch on Tuesday 27th October, 7pm.

A city burns in a crisis − because the status quo has collapsed and change must come. Every value, relationship and belief is shaken and the future is uncertain. Continue reading A City Burning: Cover Reveal & Pre-Order

The Story of Wales on BBC iPlayer

The Story of Wales is back on BBC iPlayer.

This landmark BBC history series  won a BAFTA Cymru Award for Huw Edwards as Best Presenter.

pic Copyright

and a BAFTA Cymru Award – the Gwyn A. WIlliams Award – for Outstanding Countribution to History on Television.

I was the Development Producer on the series.

Welsh Government subsequently commissioned additional material and a re-versioning for use in schools (7 – 16 years) with an interactive timeline of Welsh history and Teachers’ Notes. I was Producer on this.