Category Archives: Star

Star in St Hilda’s College, Oxford news

Nice to see ‘Star’ feature in news from my college.

Cover image of Une histoire érotique de l'Angleterre by Grégoire Ming Angela Graham (English, 1975) has published several collections of short stories and poetry in recent years, and her new offering is suitably festive!

STAR: Poems for the Christmas Season is a new poetry collection that illuminate a wide range of human experience – political power struggles; persecution and flight; the vulnerability of the innocent and of the planet – alongside celebration, wonder and friendship. And we hear some Irish, Welsh, Scots and Ulster-Scots, reflecting Angela’s engagement with our indigenous languages.

You can buy STAR right here or find out more about Angela’s work on her website

STAR launches at No Alibis Bookshop, Belfast

A supportive bookshop is a wonderful thing and that is exactly what No Alibis is. David Torrens kindly arranged a launch for ‘Star’ in his welcoming and extremely well-stocked shop on 14th November.

No two launches are the same. No Alibis, on Belfast’s Botanic Avenue is a treasure trove for book lovers, an intimate place wehere you feel the love of books in the atmosphere.

It was a great pleasure to read to an audience of poets and book lovers and editors.

Star launches at Corrymeela

On 4th November ‘STAR’ was launched at Corrymeela, Ballycastle to a wonderfully receptive audience.

Corrymeela, Centre for Reconciliation, is very close to my home in Ballycastle and it was a privilege and a pleasure to hold the launch there. The Centre has done ground-breaking work for decades in bringing communities together and it has develoepd protocols for achieveing reconciliation through hard-earned experience of tackling difficullties in many settings.

It was particularly supportive to have members of Ballycastle Writers Group there and member, Ashley Todd kindly read my poem in Ulster-Scots from ‘Star’: ‘Chrissmas Eve’. She was terrific!

Ashley Todd reads ‘Chrismass Eve’ from ‘Star’

It was very special for me to read to friends from the locality and the staff and members of Corrymeela Community couldn’t have been more helpful.

The Irish Times: ‘Waking Up To Christmas’ 17 Dec ’24

On 17th December 2024 The Irish Times carried an article by me about ‘STAR’ entitled, ‘Waking Up To Christmas

I focused on my admiration for the 12th-century scuptor, Gislebertus who not only designed and oversaw the construction of the cathedral of Autun in Burgundy but also carved some of the most beautiful works of art on its facade and in its interior.

I’d long felt that an image of Gislbertus’s carving ‘The Awakening of the Magi’ would be right for the cover of ‘STAR’. (The article contains a photo of the carving). I found a wonderful linocut by Martin Erspamer, which is his take, in that medium, of ‘The Awakening’; the moment before the three astronomer kings see the Christmas star for the very first time.

Continue reading The Irish Times: ‘Waking Up To Christmas’ 17 Dec ’24

Consulate General of Ireland sponsor STAR launch & Christmas reading

The Consulate General of Ireland in Wales kindly sponsored the Cardiff launch of ‘STAR: poems for the Christmas Season’.

Llyfrau Caban Books hosted with Phil Cope of Culture And Democracy Press.

On 12th December I read from ‘STAR’ at the Consulate’s Christmas reception in Cardiff. Both Ireland and Wales are very present in ‘STAR’ and I was delighted to share some poems with this particular audience.

With Consul Denise McQuade at the Christmas reception

CAP Arts Monthly – Evidence & Imagination

I was delighted to have the opportunity to introduce my writing self to readers of CAP Arts Monthly December 2024, POETRY and SPOKEN WORD section. It gave me an opportunity to reflect on how a book brews and emerges, within the context of one’s other work.

The Monthly

‘The Monthly is a place for informed opinions and analysis of ideas, issues and news items from across the arts sector —with an emphasis on the issues affecting community arts— in Northern Ireland.

The Monthly editorial bulletin offers all of us in the community arts and indeed, the wider arts sector, an opportunity to reflect on what matters to us, our communities, our organisations and our participating client groups and individuals.’

The Monthly comes in three editions: Community Arts, Dance & Poetry and Spoken Word

In ‘Evidence and Imagination’ I wrote about the genesis of poetry collection ‘STAR: poems for the Christmas season’

As a film maker I have worked on more than a hundred documentaries and factual programmes. The documentary form, no matter how subjective its point of view might be, privileges evidence and witness. I shouldn’t have been surprised that the first book I wrote, a collection of twenty-six short stories, ‘A City Burning’, was found by reviewers to be full of acts of witnessing and, therefore, of moments of choice about what to do in response. I hadn’t realised how deeply ingrained in me that witness/choice dynamic had become, but it came out in the writing nonetheless…