Category Archives: Print

Faith and Violence – the journalist’s role

On New Year’s Day this year the Western Mail published an article by the Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Wales, Saleem Kidwai. He claimed that a precious achievement in Welsh cultural life is in jeopardy and that a generation have felt ‘rejected by their fellow Welshmen’.

 Welsh-Muslim youth who thought themselves like any other Welsh person got a rude awakening post-9/11 — a sort of cultural shock that they were not like any other Welsh person. Overnight, they were the other, the enemy…

As Mr Kidwai set out the traumatic ramifications of this tragic dissociation I felt the force of his appeal that, “As a society…  We have to reject any attempts to marginalize Muslims as second-class citizens” but I was perplexed as to how to go about that.

Until I perceived a potential response from the world of journalism itself – from journalism in Wales.

silent rally
Silent rally in Cardiff in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo killings

Continue reading Faith and Violence – the journalist’s role

25/25 Vision: Welsh horizons across 50 years

Essayist                              25 / 25 Vision: Welsh Horizons Across Fifty Years, From Sept 2012.
25 Welsh writers: essays providing a profound and revealing commentary on a half century of the nation’s history.
A book to celebrate the 25th birthday of the Institute of Welsh Affairs.
Writers include Angela Graham, Bethan Gwanas, Tessa Hadley, Patrick McGuinness.
Photographic portraits of the 25 authors by the photographer John Briggs in an exhibition travelling across Wales from autumn 2012 to autumn 2013.
DYLAN THOMAS CENTRE, SWANSEA till 30th August 2013.
For more information, and
25/25 Vision is in association with Literature Wales and is sponsored by the H’mm Foundation.  
25/25 Exhibition
25/25 Vision at Aberystwyth Arts Centre April ’13 
Photo John Briggs