Category Archives: Television

Out Of The Silence TV documentary

It was a great pleasure to be interviewed by writer, Anne McMaster for DoubleBand Films’ hour-long documentary ‘Out Of The Silence’, directed by Jane Magowan and produced by Jonathan Golden. It explores women writing today, and in the past, in Ulster-Scots.

Anne and the crew came recorded me at home in Ballycastle where I delivered my poem, ‘A Heerd Tha Sodjer On Tha Radio’. This poem originated in my kitchen and is set there so what better place to do it?

Wendy Erskine, Dawn Watson and Jan Carson also feature in the documentary. The work of the late Frances Molloy was a discovery for me, prompted by the recording. Her novel, ‘No Mate For The Magpie’ (1985) and short story collection, ‘Women Are The Scourge Of The Earth’ (1989) are memorable, visceral and inventive. As was that of the acerbic, eighteenth-century writer, Olivia Elder.

Anne McMaster’s latest book, ‘Martha And The Vardo’ is out recently. Available from [email protected].

NVTV profile of my Ulster-Scots poetry

Liam Logan interviewed me for a programme in his 8-part series on Ulster-Scots writing, ‘A MIGHTY MALLET’ made by Belfast cable channel Northern Visions (NVTV).

The series showcases the work of the Rhyming Weavers or Weaver Poets, working-class writers of the late 18th and early 19th century in the north of Ireland, who wrote in their vernacular and were influenced by Robert Burns. The programmes feature the work of James Orr, Samuel Thompson, Hugh Porter and John McKinley, David Herbison and Sarah Leech from Co Donegal, the only known female Irish weaver poet.

Liam Logan has added three contemporary writers in Ulster-Scots: Angeline King, Gary Morgan and myself.

The half-hour documentary on my work can be viewed here:

You can find the rest of the series at Go to “on demand” and then “language”, “Ulster-Scots” . Continue reading NVTV profile of my Ulster-Scots poetry

The Story of Wales on BBC iPlayer

The Story of Wales is back on BBC iPlayer.

This landmark BBC history series  won a BAFTA Cymru Award for Huw Edwards as Best Presenter.

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and a BAFTA Cymru Award – the Gwyn A. WIlliams Award – for Outstanding Countribution to History on Television.

I was the Development Producer on the series.

Welsh Government subsequently commissioned additional material and a re-versioning for use in schools (7 – 16 years) with an interactive timeline of Welsh history and Teachers’ Notes. I was Producer on this.

Devolution of Broadcasting, Wales

In the midst of the general election hurly burly an important consultation is proceeding in Wales: an inquiry into whether Wales should acquire greater powers over broadcasting. The deadline for submitting evidence has been extended from today, 9th December to Monday, 20th December. Whatever its outcome, this inquiry marks a key developmental stage in the process of devolution in Wales.  Continue reading Devolution of Broadcasting, Wales

BAFTA Cymru win for Green Bay Media

At the BAFTA  Cymru Awards in Cardiff on 13th October, Velindre, Hospital of Hope, a series following patients through treatment for cancer, won the Award for Best Factual Series.

Commissioned by ITV Wales, the series was made by Green Bay Media and was the company’s final production prior to joining forces with Wildflame Productions Continue reading BAFTA Cymru win for Green Bay Media

The Story of Wales on BBC FOUR

The BBC’s landmark history of the nation, presented by Huw Edwards is repeated on BBC FOUR from Tuesday 6th November at 8pm for 6 weeks.

I was Development Producer on  this once-in-a-generation project.

The series won 2 BAFTA Cymru Awards: Best Presenter for Huw Edwards and the Gwyn A. Williams Award for Outstanding Contribution to History Programming.

The Story of Wales




The Ballymurphy Precedent

This documentary looks at the deaths of 11 civilians in Ballymurphy, Belfast in 1971 in the context of concerns about handling the legacy of the Troubles.

I was a teenager in the city at the time. My short story ‘The Road‘ in the current New Welsh Reader is set in Belfast in that year.

I’ll be chairing the Q & A session with Director, Callum Macrae at the BACTA Cymru screening, 6pm, Weds 8th August at Chapter Arts Centre.

Fe fydda i’n cadeirio sesiwn Holi ac Ateb BAFTA Cymru gyda’r cyfarwyddwr Callum Macrae ar yr 8fed o Awst am 6 yh yng Nghanolfan Chapter, Caerdydd.

See Victoria Cosstick in  Northern Slant on related documentaries and an acclaimed exhibition.

Stories of the Troubles: Silent Testimony and The Life After