Category Archives: Portfolio
Twitter 100 Women of Wales
I was pleased to be nominated in such interesting company and am glad to see this initiative made it to Wales Arts Review’s ‘most widely read’ articles of 2017.
Among ‘2017 Best Articles’ – Wales Arts Review
Pleased to be among the authors of
Short Story in New Welsh Reader 2018
One of the stories from my draft collection, ‘A City Burning’ has been chosen to appear in the New Welsh Review’s prestigious New Welsh Reader, due in May next year.
The Hidden Story: Understanding Knowledge Exchange Partnerships within the Creative Economy
The Hidden Story: universities & knowledge exchange in the creative industries published its report on 4th December. There are many implications for Wales. As the report states:
‘The Creative Industries are a significant sector for the success of the UK economy contributing £87.4bn GVA in 2015 (DCMS). It is therefore important that we use the research funds allocated to university support for this sector (over £46 million in 2015) as effectively as possible. To do this, we must understand the distinctive nature of knowledge exchange relationships between universities and enterprises within this sector. ‘
The Centre for the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations at USW was the main Case Study from Wales. Continue reading The Hidden Story: Understanding Knowledge Exchange Partnerships within the Creative Economy
BBC Radio Wales Film Review 2017
With Nigel Ipinson-Fleming and, down the line, Peter Francis of Gladstone’s Library I had the fun job of helping review 3 of this year’s major films, hosted by Roy Jenkins, for All Things Considered:
The programme will be broadcast on Sunday 10th December at 9.03am and will be available afterwards at BBC podcasts
Award from Arts Council of Northern Ireland
I have received an award from the Arts Council of Northern Ireland’s Lottery funds under its General Art Award Scheme (Support for Individuals Artists Programme 2017/18) towards the costs of drafting a novel.
I am delighted and encouraged.
Luther: the Media Campaign
Weekend Word, BBC Radio Wales ahead of the 500th anniversary of the start of the Reformation.
The illustration is from a pro-Luther illustration of the alleged corruption of the Roman Catholic church of his day.
TV Commissioning: Demand & Supply
For decades I have, without knowing it, been walking past the place where Broadcasting in Wales began. It launched on 13th February 1923 in the building that’s now a NISA store, opposite Cardiff Castle. I spotted the commemorative plaque only recently.
Reading Another Angela
I admit I took on the editing of Elizabeth Ruth Obbard’s forthcoming book READING THE BOOK OF LIFE (New City Press) partly from curiosity because I share a name with the subject.
I was named after Angela Merici, a pioneer of the education of women but the subject of this biographical sketch and selection of documents is another Italian Angela, from Foligno, halfway between Assisi and Spoleto. Continue reading Reading Another Angela