Category Archives: Portfolio

Welsh, Italian, Ulster Scots – 3 wonderful readers at ‘A City Burning’ Launch

I’m so delighted to have 3 wonderful readers to deliver extracts from my short story collection A City Burning at its launch on 27th October at 7pm: 26 stories set in Wales, Italy and Northern Ireland:

Geraint Lewis from Tregaron, west Wales, actor, playwright, novelist and short story writer.

Viviana Fiorentino from Italy, poet, novelist, translator and activist on migration policy.

Liam Logan from Dunloy, County Antrim, media presenter, film maker and writer on Ulster Scots in prose and poetry. Continue reading Welsh, Italian, Ulster Scots – 3 wonderful readers at ‘A City Burning’ Launch

Galles, Italia, Irlanda del Nord – A City Burning

“onesto, bruciante, perspicace e molto, molto buono”.

– La rivista New City su ‘A City Burning” pubblicato da Seren Books

 Ambientate in Irlanda del Nord, Galles e Italia, le storie di A City Burning si muovono dalla fine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale all’era del Covid-19.

Una città brucia in una crisi – perché lo status quo è ormai al collasso e il cambiamento deve ancora arrivare. Ogni valore, relazione e credo è scosso e il futuro è messo in gioco.

Nelle ventisei storie di Una Città Brucia, bambini e adulti affrontano, tra le scottanti tragedie personali, momenti di potenziale trasformazione, seppur costosa. Sulla soglia del proprio futuro ognuno deve fare una scelta: come vivere in questo nuovo “adesso”.

Nell’attesa del r Continue reading Galles, Italia, Irlanda del Nord – A City Burning

First Review of ‘A City Burning’

The first review of my debut short story collection (from Seren Books) – by Inez Lynn, former Chief Librarian of the London Library. From New City magazine – highlights:

Good writing is compelling. Each of these twenty-six stories takes you out of your own skin and into the lived experience of another.  They deal with the complexity of human life, faith, emotions and relationships seen through the eyes of narrators with distinct, memorable voices:

Continue reading First Review of ‘A City Burning’

A City Burning: Cover Reveal & Pre-Order

The cover of my new short story collection has arrived.  Pre-order from Seren Books

Publication is 21st October. Details soon of Online Launch on Tuesday 27th October, 7pm.

A city burns in a crisis − because the status quo has collapsed and change must come. Every value, relationship and belief is shaken and the future is uncertain. Continue reading A City Burning: Cover Reveal & Pre-Order

The Story of Wales on BBC iPlayer

The Story of Wales is back on BBC iPlayer.

This landmark BBC history series  won a BAFTA Cymru Award for Huw Edwards as Best Presenter.

pic Copyright

and a BAFTA Cymru Award – the Gwyn A. WIlliams Award – for Outstanding Countribution to History on Television.

I was the Development Producer on the series.

Welsh Government subsequently commissioned additional material and a re-versioning for use in schools (7 – 16 years) with an interactive timeline of Welsh history and Teachers’ Notes. I was Producer on this.

4 Poems in The Blue Nib

I’m delighted to have 4 poems published in the Abhaile section – ‘poetry from the home place’ – of The Blue Nib.

Tracy Gaughan selects poetry from established and emerging writers from Ireland and the UK.

One of the poems is from the book I’m currently writing on Place and Displacement.

Tracy comments: ‘Angela Graham’s imaginative eloquence of language embodies an ‘at-homeness’ in both the universal and the particular’.

Abhaile is a great means of sampling work from a range of poets. I found among them Hugh McMillan and Caroline Johnson. I’ll give them a wave over there in Scotland. I’m looking forward to my time off next week when I can read everyone’s work.

Poem in Letters With Wings fund-raising Poetry Reading

On May 26th Letters With Wings ran an online poetry reading to raise funds to send letters to unjustly imprisoned artists and writers.

Raising funds to ensure the letters are sent: Click to contribute

Poets taking part: Celia de Fréine, Catherine Dunne,  Lia Mills, Bernadette Gallagher, Moyra Donaldson, Deirdre Cartmill , Denis Stokes, Therese Kieran, Rafael Mendes, Polina Cosgrave, Chandrika Narayanan-Mohan, Alessandra Trevisan, Natasha Remoundou, Aisling Walsh, Gráinne Tobin, Simone Theiss , Cornelia Rohr and myself.

I contributed a poem to the Open Mic session which I wrote for Nedim Türfent. He has been in prison in Turkey for more than 1500 days.

In the event a poem by Nedim, ‘Child, Don’t You Know?’ was read in Kurdish.
Letters with Wings later said,
“We are very pleased to let you all know that Cornelia Rohr, one of our readers on the 26th, was in contact with Nedim Türfent’s sister and sent the video of our live event. She phoned later with Nedim and told him about it. He was very happy and sends us many kind regards.”
Extract from the translation into French:
Toi, enfant rebelle
enfant indomptable, irréductible !
toi, enfant
si ton dessein est d’avorter mon rêve
en aucun cas
je ne ferais retour de mes songes, jamais
Nedim Türfent • Child, don't you know? | KEDISTAN