Category Archives: PortfolioTelevision

The Ballymurphy Precedent

This documentary looks at the deaths of 11 civilians in Ballymurphy, Belfast in 1971 in the context of concerns about handling the legacy of the Troubles.

I was a teenager in the city at the time. My short story ‘The Road‘ in the current New Welsh Reader is set in Belfast in that year.

I’ll be chairing the Q & A session with Director, Callum Macrae at the BACTA Cymru screening, 6pm, Weds 8th August at Chapter Arts Centre.

Fe fydda i’n cadeirio sesiwn Holi ac Ateb BAFTA Cymru gyda’r cyfarwyddwr Callum Macrae ar yr 8fed o Awst am 6 yh yng Nghanolfan Chapter, Caerdydd.

See Victoria Cosstick in  Northern Slant on related documentaries and an acclaimed exhibition.

Stories of the Troubles: Silent Testimony and The Life After


The Hidden Story: Understanding Knowledge Exchange Partnerships within the Creative Economy

The Hidden Story: universities & knowledge exchange in the creative industries published its report on 4th December. There are many implications for Wales. As the report states:

‘The Creative Industries are a significant sector for the success of the UK economy contributing £87.4bn GVA in 2015 (DCMS). It is therefore important that we use the research funds allocated to university support for this sector (over £46 million in 2015) as effectively as possible. To do this, we must understand the distinctive nature of knowledge exchange relationships between universities and enterprises within this sector. ‘

The Centre for the Study of Media and Culture in Small Nations at USW was the main Case Study from Wales. Continue reading The Hidden Story: Understanding Knowledge Exchange Partnerships within the Creative Economy

TV Commissioning: Demand & Supply

For decades I have, without knowing it, been walking past the place where Broadcasting in Wales began. It launched on 13th February 1923  in the building that’s now a NISA store, opposite Cardiff Castle. I spotted the commemorative plaque only recently.

Mostyn Thomas sings ‘Dafydd Y Garreg Wen’ in the first BBC broadcast from Wales, 1923

Continue reading TV Commissioning: Demand & Supply

Media Students from Michigan State University in Cardiff

The Media Studies students of Michigan State University once again impressed me with their appetite for encountering the cultures of the British Isles. The university organises an impressive visit every summer for about 20 students on a variety of media-related degree courses. I’ve given them a class on documentary for the last 7 years with the kind collaboration of Cardiff University’s School of Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies. Continue reading Media Students from Michigan State University in Cardiff

Reporting Belief 2017 – an appetite for engagement

A stimulating day on May 10th for journalists and ‘believers’ which contained a sharing of professional expertise, a chance for encounter and a special training session on the use of Social Media and How to Write a Press Release . See my blog on the NUJ Training Wales site. [Images by @HirstPhotos]

Bryan Elliott of Assemblies of God meets representatives of ISKCON Wales, Hare Krishna Movement

Continue reading Reporting Belief 2017 – an appetite for engagement

Cardiff Media Summit – Top, Tail and Follow-ups

Cardiff Media Summit 29 March 2017

My Intro and Conclusion plus Follow-ups. More on

This Media Summit is being held on the day when Article 50 is triggered. Aimed at taking this country out of the EU, this will alter fundamentally the framework within which the UK is governed.

The referendum, like the election of Trump in the United States, raised major concerns about the quality of information put before the public, by both politicians and media. ‘fake news’ and ‘post-fact politics’. The founder of the internet, Tim Berners Lee, has gone public on his deep concerns at the capacity of big data companies to distort the democratic process.

These huge issues impact on us here in Wales. The media scenario is constantly developing and it’s going to get more complicated – which is one reason why the Institute of Welsh Affairs maintains a very necessary focus on media issues in Wales.  The Audience, Viewers and Service Users are our prime concern. Continue reading Cardiff Media Summit – Top, Tail and Follow-ups

Contestable Funding for PSB genres – good for Wales?

A pot of £60 million to boost production in under-served genres of Public Service Broadcasting on TV and Radio sounds like good news but the DCMS consultation document gives cause for concern to the Nations and Regions.

Nowhere in the document is there evidence of an adequate understanding of the position of PSB output in Wales. Continue reading Contestable Funding for PSB genres – good for Wales?