I had a lot of fun entering the Kilmore Quay Write By The Sea Short Story Competition 2018. I was so delighted that all three of my entries were among the seven shortlisted.

I had a lot of fun entering the Kilmore Quay Write By The Sea Short Story Competition 2018. I was so delighted that all three of my entries were among the seven shortlisted.
Crannóg magazine of Galway are taking a Wales-set story of mine for Issue 49 due late October. I’m delighted to have a piece accepted by them.
My blog has been selected for inclusion in the UK Web Archive
“a cross section of UK Web logs containing a wealth of material which will be of value to researchers now and in the future”
A poem of mine will be included in the special Irish issue #61 of acclaimed magazine ‘The North‘ due later this year. I am particularly pleased to be represented in this edition.
It was lovely to meet novelist, Mandy Sutter (‘Bush Meat’) and Gwen Davies, editor of the New Welsh Review at our session during the Cardiff Book Festival. We were discussing Writing Psychology from Place: witness, exile and belonging.
I read my N Ireland-set short story ‘At Oirthear Maí’.
I was shocked by her photographs. How could she dare? As well as projected slides she had a dozen cibachromes on display whose marvellously luminous surface makes the paper itself a fresh lens. It becomes a pool of water in which everything is gently enhanced by the limpid medium. And yet, this pool is pinned to a wall.
I had to leave the room. Such things should not be shown without a warning. Continue reading AN ULSTER PSYCHE
Two of my stories set by the sea:
Runner from the current issue of The Honest Ulsterman
Face To Face from Horla
This documentary looks at the deaths of 11 civilians in Ballymurphy, Belfast in 1971 in the context of concerns about handling the legacy of the Troubles.
I was a teenager in the city at the time. My short story ‘The Road‘ in the current New Welsh Reader is set in Belfast in that year.
I’ll be chairing the Q & A session with Director, Callum Macrae at the BACTA Cymru screening, 6pm, Weds 8th August at Chapter Arts Centre.
Fe fydda i’n cadeirio sesiwn Holi ac Ateb BAFTA Cymru gyda’r cyfarwyddwr Callum Macrae ar yr 8fed o Awst am 6 yh yng Nghanolfan Chapter, Caerdydd.
See Victoria Cosstick in Northern Slant on related documentaries and an acclaimed exhibition.
Stories of the Troubles: Silent Testimony and The Life After