Category Archives: Portfolio

Writing Your Novel – Ty Newydd On Tour

The very first Tȳ Newydd on Tour day was held in Cardiff on Saturday 6th May as the writing centre begins to showcase its courses around Wales. A dozen writers got a flavour of ‘A Novel Journey: Writing a Novel from Beginning to End’ which will run at the centre near Criccieth from Monday 12th to Saturday 17th June. A few places are left and the taster day was a great advertisement.

Holly Muller (left) and Kate Hamer

Continue reading Writing Your Novel – Ty Newydd On Tour

Trafod dyfodol y cyfryngau yng Nghymru – GOLWG

Discussing the future of the media in Wales – article in GOLWG magazine

Mae mwy i’r cyfryngau Cymraeg nag S4C, yn ôl Angela Graham, cadeirydd pwyllgor cyfryngau’r  Sefydliad Materion Cymreig a fu’n trafod y dyfodol mewn cynhadledd ddiweddar…

roedd cytundeb unfrydol bod angen strategaeth ac ymchwil ac yn y pendraw arweiniad gan Lywodraeth Cymru.

Ebrill 6 / April 6 2017


Cardiff Media Summit – Top, Tail and Follow-ups

Cardiff Media Summit 29 March 2017

My Intro and Conclusion plus Follow-ups. More on

This Media Summit is being held on the day when Article 50 is triggered. Aimed at taking this country out of the EU, this will alter fundamentally the framework within which the UK is governed.

The referendum, like the election of Trump in the United States, raised major concerns about the quality of information put before the public, by both politicians and media. ‘fake news’ and ‘post-fact politics’. The founder of the internet, Tim Berners Lee, has gone public on his deep concerns at the capacity of big data companies to distort the democratic process.

These huge issues impact on us here in Wales. The media scenario is constantly developing and it’s going to get more complicated – which is one reason why the Institute of Welsh Affairs maintains a very necessary focus on media issues in Wales.  The Audience, Viewers and Service Users are our prime concern. Continue reading Cardiff Media Summit – Top, Tail and Follow-ups

My Literature Wales Writers’ Bursary 2017

I am thrilled to have been awarded a Literature Wales Writers’ Bursary for 2017. I admit (career suicide for a writer!) to being at a loss for words to describe how encouraging I find it to have expert opinion, and public money, invested in me. Maybe ‘inspiring’ will do the job. My congratulations to all the bursary recipients.

photo: Richard Outram

Continue reading My Literature Wales Writers’ Bursary 2017

Contestable Funding for PSB genres – good for Wales?

A pot of £60 million to boost production in under-served genres of Public Service Broadcasting on TV and Radio sounds like good news but the DCMS consultation document gives cause for concern to the Nations and Regions.

Nowhere in the document is there evidence of an adequate understanding of the position of PSB output in Wales. Continue reading Contestable Funding for PSB genres – good for Wales?

National Assembly of Wales Inquiry into the Future of S4C

The Media Policy Group of the Institute of Welsh Affairs made a submission on 3rd March to the Inquiry into the future of S4C which is being held by the Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee of the National Assembly of Wales.

This inquiry precedes that expected from the DCMS.

Continue reading National Assembly of Wales Inquiry into the Future of S4C